TECHNOPOLE GAFSA and the Tenerrdis energy cluster, in collaboration with the University of Gafsa organize
First International Conference on Technologies for Sustainable Energy and Energy Transition (TSEET 24)

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The First International conference on Technology Sustainable Energy and Energy Transition (TSEET24) will be held in the attractive city Hammamet and will be for two days from June during 26-28, 2024. It aims to provide a platform marked by diversity and innovation, and to promote research, innovation and industrial application by bringing together international experts in the field. The Tseet24 event is an occasion to bring together professionals, researchers, and industry leaders and startups from the energy and technology sectors to explore and discuss the latest trends, innovations, and challenges in the energy field development. It features keynote speeches, invited talks, oral and poster presentations with broad coverage and popular topics. On behalf of the organizing committee, we would like to cordially invite experts and students scholars from academia and industry to participate to the TSEET2024!
Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
- Renewable energies
Energy storage
Energy Transition
Energy efficiency
Hydrogen and ammonia production
Carbon footprint
Carbon border adjustment
Artificial intelligence application in renewable energy systems
- Hydrogen energy and Hydrogen fuel cell technology
- Water Desalination and management
Smart energy management
Smart Grid
Energy Efficiency
Energy Harvesting
Green Facilities and Industries
Green Technology
Thermal energy
Innovative materials
Registration fees details
The Data is Not Available
Program Committees
Associates Chairs:
- Ingrid Milcent (Tenerrdis-France)
- Ammar HIDOURI (Gafsa University - Tunisia)
- Tunisia: Rachid Thaljaoui
- thaljaoui@gmail.com
- +216 52 510 130
- France: Ingrid Milcent
- ingrid.milcent@tenerrdis.fr
- +33 679 386 002
Important Dates
Abstract submission deadline: 05 June 2024
Online registration: 15 June 2024

Lien: https://polegafsa.com.tn/tseet/#menu